Before we gonna read this blog, keep in your mind knowingly or unknowingly we are all fall in love with videos! How!

For example, If you have purchased a brand new product and you didn’t aware how to use it. So what’s your next move?
Of course your prediction is right, We just ask to Google.
Once after you initiated the search, Google will display plenty of results in front of you.
Now you have to answer for another Question ( Damn sure this is the final question for you )
At once google displayed results, What will your eyes going to search for?
Yes, once
What’s the reason we prefer video first?

Videos with our Mind :
Research Shows our mind is observing and recalling contents only 10 % from audio. 20% from visuals And 50% from both combined that’s called audiovisuals.

Subconsciously our mind prefers videos and these videos creates the best impression ever before than other forms of contents.
As we said earlier the relationship with videos start from here.
Reaching the subconscious mind of your audience :
Attaining customer’s subconscious mind is very simple, but not at all.
Most of us failed because of not concerning about our audience desire.
The primary role of your video should be entertaining or educating people with a pinch of your brand information.
Learn videos from Burger:
For example, if you are burger lover like Bill Gates, ( we aren’t responsible if you order burger after reading this blog )
Imagine your video is like the burger and your branding information is like Ketchup. Of course, the ketchup is essential, but we shouldn’t add too much.
If you add too much marketing stuff into your videos, that may change the real taste of your video. And your audience may not engage with your video or they always approach your videos as an advertisement.

So don’t spoil your burger ( Videos ) by adding too much Ketchup ( Marketing informations ).
Here is example of Hidden marketing videos
1.Dabur Vatika Salutes Female Cancer Survivors – #BraveAndBeautiful
2. Paper Boat presents Hope, the Boat
You may raise questions like how the pinch of marketing information will make sense?
Our answer is simple, You have to wait for the moment to people search who you are.
How it’s going to happen? By creating enthusiastic contents, Keep on engaging more and more people and make them watch, like, share your amazing videos.
At one point of time, they will automatically add on your fanbase.
Not only they are your fans but also they act as your free marketing persons. ( You can give them remunerations through your attractive content )
Finally, the pinch of marketing information will always remain as a giant marketing path to developing your brand. Unbreakable trust and more and more referral will come from those videos you created.
Branding from films:
The whole process is basically like showing the director’s name after seeing the great film.

The director becomes a brand. People trust in his creations. So next time if he releases his film, automatically people mind insists them to watch.
Ultimately, this time the director can promote his creations through his own brand.
That’s how we are all fall in love with
Three Questions you shouldn’t forget:
Here we come into
Keep in your mind, if you want to create
- What you are going to covey?
- How effective is for your audience?
- How to convey to them?
Worthy informations will only remain always in people’s mind.
Here’s the ketchup for this blog,
If you have the time for analysing customers, creating awesome script, capturing attractive footages, and finalise with perfect sound, you can start today.
But If you are busy, It’s better to hire the professionals to present your awesome contents. We are the professionals in corporate video production.
We create content which is suitable to engage your audience.
Need a Corporate video? –